Pellowah Healing Practitioners

I am pleased to include here a list of trained Pellowah Healing Practitioners and their contact details.

Jo Simister – 

Mobile – 07832175138
Email – [email protected]
‘Hello, I’m Jo, Pellowah Healer/facilitator – available for 1 to 1’s in Berkshire RG18 and distance healing sessions.  Having trained in counselling modalities in mental health, Pellowah to me is the most viscerally effective tool of self empowering healing I know; after all your soul self knows you best.  Pellowah is unadulterated pure universal light from source that knows where you need healing most.’

Su Davey – located near Colchester UK

Contact – [email protected]
‘I’m available for in person and distance Pellowah Healing.  Pellowah is an awesome healing modality.  I work with energy, but pellowah is truly something else!  I highly recommend it if you feel called.’

Lisa Bye – [email protected].

My name is Lisa and I’m a pellowah healer.
I was trained with the best teacher I could imagine.
I met Rhosalaria  on my awakening journey of new life new me in 2023 .in that time I’ve discovered things I’d never dream of.
Learning the skills of healing has helped  not just myself but being able too help others.
Pellowah seemed to come very naturally too me in the training like a long lost friend.
I’ve since found myself feeling very much at peace.. making lifestyle changes for myself and to share my healing with others.I’ve had the privilege of overseas distance healing with pellowah – distance is no object Pellowah healing has opened up future doors that I never knew that existed! I practice in Shropshire, a most beautiful area to live.. my mission is to help in voluntary with and along side alternative therapy in hospitals in the near future.   Please do not hesitate to contact me for a pellowah healing.