Learn Soul Mediumship

The art of Soul Mediumship is purely a calling to your service of love.

Being able to transmit the energy of the Soul is a wonderful gift to give to yourself and others.

Soul Mediumship Weekend 10th and 11th August 2024 – near Basingstoke, Hampshire

A Fantastic Insightful Weekend

Soul Mediumship is the Art of giving Soul back to Soul

On this weekend of group learning you will :

  • Learn how to access the Akashic Records for yourself and others and learn what the Akasha is.

  • Learn to channel from Source upon yourself and others

  • Learn how to transmit the Soul’s energy for illumination and insight.

  • Learn the difference between psychic mediumship and soul mediumship

  • Deepen your connection to Source

  • Understand the meaning of Soul RNA/DNA

  • Understand and apply Light Codes and Light Rays

  • Understand the simple principle Truth of Soul energy and infinite connection.

  • Practice sessions throughout the weekend help to deepen the understanding of your own soul self and enable you to gain confidence in reading as a Soul Medium.

A certificate on completion and manual is given.  Vegan lunch and snacks are provided.

What others say about this course :

‘I attended Rhosalaria’s 2-day weekend workshop on soul mediumship early April 2003 and highly recommend it to anyone who hears the call to learn more about how to connect to source energy.
Rhosalaria is a beautiful soul that embodies so much love for the work she does; she is thoughtful, funny, kind, generous and very intuitive.
She facilitated the workshop with a beautiful energy holding the space and imparting knowledge and wisdom that I felt very honoured and privileged to have access to.
My personal experience was nothing short of mind-blowing with many ‘a-ha’ revelations occurring during the workshop – my entire life since the workshop has been positively enhanced in a way I didn’t even realise was needed.
Rhosalaria is the real deal – authentic and fully aligned to her truth. Recommended whole-heartedly with love and gratitude.’ – Gloria Rose
‘I’ve got a much deeper understanding of Soul Mediumship now having done this course’ – Helen
‘Thank you for a wonderful insightful Akashic records and soul mediumship course.  You are a fantastic teacher and host.’ – Jackie
‘The experience was far more than I could ever have imagined.  Thank you.’ – Hope
‘I have really become fascinated with Soul Mediumship work. I have enjoyed the course and particularly learning from your experience Rhosalaria. You light up this amazing essential subject for anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of the reason why we are here on Earth at this time and how our own unique pathway has come about. 
There is much to learn here about our starseed, the healing power of self love and extending that to the love of others. 
‘I highly recommend this Soul Mediumship interactive course with Rhosalaria.’ – Julia A, UK
‘I loved this course.  I’ve found the skills learned to be helpful and enriching for receiving personal insights ever since.’ – Rachel, UK

Read more about my service of love to you on the Soul Mediumship Page here.

To reserve your space on this next workshop, please pay the deposit of 100 GBP.  Spaces are limited!

Soul Mediumship Workshop