Ishvara Energy

Ishvara Energy

Ishvara Energy has been channelled in these transformative times to assist huemanity in aligning with our Soul essence.  Ishvara Energy creates a greater sense of ease in ‘being here’, negotiating the waves of ascension energies, and helping us feel whole, calm, clear, creative and resilient.  Through this energy we may access the soul insights that are needed to be known now.  We surrender to our ‘soul self’ and integrate those parts of us that have felt ‘lost’.  We integrate the true higher frequency energies of Divine Peace, Divine Love and Divine Joy to access the zero point Source of Creation within.

Ishvara is heart centred.  All that we are exists within the zero point potential space between the hueman physical heart and the coexistence beyond duality reality that is the innate spark of Source that lies within us all.  We are all co-creators with Divine Essence.  We are free from being separate but One with all creation.
Ishvara Energy realigns the blueprint of the Soul within the hueman heart aligning to the higher frequency self through codes, keys and sound.  Therefore aligning our own physical energy within the matrix of the heart with our multidimensional higher frequency Soul frequencies.
As hueman beings our energy became scattered and disconnected as DNA strands which read the true full and beautiful spectrum of all we are, became just two dimensional within the third dimensional frequency reality.  The greater multi dna stranded hueman being or super angelic being exists within the Matrix of the Heart waiting to be activated energetically – switched on if you like, so that who we truly are is expressed through complete harmonization with the Infinite Spiral Source of Creation.  This is the process we call ascension.  Ishvara assists in activating the already existing keys and codes within the matrix of the heart.
Whence we become aligned we naturally and gently experience the heart centred alignment that Ishvara Energy offers.  We are more aligned with the Soul, what the soul needs, our creative expression and a sense of inner knowing, calm and peace.

Ishvara is the connector.  Through channel, Ishvara Energy speaks – ‘I am Ishvara Energy, Divine Shekinah Source energy that lies deep within the Soul origins of your Being.  I am creation, I am peace, the potential, the aligning Source of all you are.  I am the connector to your Soul’s star origin, I am the connector to all that is from the smallest seed to the largest galaxy.’

Rhosalaria Gwyneth Robbins-Cox has channelled the energy and is the founder, guardian and co-creator of Ishvara.  The word Ish-vara is a sanskrit word meaning ‘Divine blessing of God’.  Sanskrit is a language of Light and was given in the naming of this unique energy.

Ishvara is a gift. A divine blessing.

Ishvara is the benediction of the compassionate heart – the Maitreya of the heart.  Promoting divine peace, divine love and divine joy within the zero point of the Soul’s essence.  Through the ascension process, we are shifting into the Maitreya energies that have always existed within.  Ishvara holds the keys to unlock the codes of alignment within the Divine Consciousness of the heart.

Ishvara creates a sense of increased :

  • self love

  • self appreciation

  • self acknowledgement

  • self acceptance

  • creativity

  • clarity and purpose

  • compassion

  • peace

Ishvara promotes Unity consciousness through the Soul and is creating a sense of greater love through the collective Unity consciousness of humanity.  Ishvara aligns to the energies of your own unique Soul essence.

  • Aligns you to be able to access the highest Soul frequency open to you now.

  • Helps integrate the codes and keys of the Higher Divine Self within the heart and connects you to the power of your soul’s potential helping you to remember and be who you truly are.

  • Supports the journey of ascension giving a sense of wholeness, love and peace within.

Receiving a Session

Ishvara can be received distantly or as a one to one session.  Both need an hour to fully integrate the energy and you may need to be restful and reflective afterwards.

The energy is deep and will give you what is needed for your greatest benefit now.  It is a benediction of divine love, peace and joy promoting peace, calm, clarity and energy for forwards movement.

Since the energy works upon your own unique consciousness, your experience will be unique.  The practitioner will not receive insights for you.  Your soul and the Ishvara energy will create what is uniquely needed.

It is best to receive Ishvara when you are not going to be busy afterwards.  Taking full advantage of the calm and peace Ishvara brings is in itself a blessing.

A session is one hour and the exchange is 55 GBP – please book using the link below.

I first taught this integrative Energy System on 14th and 15th September 2024 at the The Training Barn, Narberth, Pembrokeshire in Wales.  The cost for the weekend is 355 gbp.  If you are interested in learning more about Ishvara energy please click the link below to find out more.

2025 Teaching Dates so far :

This is a two day level one certificated practitioner workshop.

22/23rd February in Narberth, Pembrokeshire, Wales

12/13th April in Goddess House, Glastonbury, Somerset

17/18th May in Presteigne, Powys, Wales

Book a Workshop Space


Find out more here.

Book an Ishvara Energy Session

What others say about Ishvara :

‘Before I fell asleep, I had visions and realisations about my life, then I sensed stunning white rays and a translucent lotus above my head.  I woke up feeling there will bigger shifts this year than I had planned but feeling that it is all good and positive.’ – P. Sweden
‘I sensed energy movement.  A sense of keeping a clear mind focus on myself.  A sensation within my heart and then feeling that it had soothed my heart emotionally.’ – Elizabeth, UK
‘I could feel the energy coming in before we began.  My whole body was vibrating fast and I felt weightless.  I felt so Light and as if I was travelling.  The session was so deep but gentle.  I loved the energy.  I feel really relaxed and very blissful.’  Helen, UK
‘Just wanted to let you know I feel great after receiving Ishvara.  Not sure what took place as I think I might have been asleep the whole time.   At the beginning I was thinking, I feel all warm and fuzzy, then boom the next thing I remember was waking up and feeling totally relaxed and rejuvenated!  It was about 90 minutes after the start time when I woke up.’ Bella, Australia.
‘I received a powerful Ishvara Energy session from Rhosalaria.  As soon as she started I could feel the force of the energy & I say force as was very powerful, beginning in my left foot then into leg as if deeply shifted something. For myself it was very visual & giving me little clues as the energy continued to flow. A few hours later I was coughing a lot. I had recently had a bad cough that felt like a energetic clearing & it hadn’t truly left but lingered as a impaired voice. The coughing seemed to really shift a lot, as if clearing my throat preparing me to step into voicing more clearing what I wish to share within my mission on earth. I felt a opening of my heart too at a new level. The following day, I felt less tired than I had it the last few weeks & more ready to move forward.  It was a beautiful experience.’ – Ali Seaman, UK
‘Thank you for Ishvara.  The energy was beautiful.  It felt like one of those weighted blankets all encompassing, strong but gentle.  It felt very heart centred, although my whole body was vibrating throughout and still is to a lesser degree just afterwards.  I didn’t sleep but more of a sensation of getting ready to drift off without falling asleep.  Kind of like a yoga nidra sensation.  I laid down for around an hour then had a need to go out for some fresh air.  My dog who laid beside me seemed to enjoy the energy too.’ – Morag, UK  
‘Thank you so much  for Ishvara.  It took me deep.  I went into a fetal position as soon as the energy began!  It felt like I was actually in the womb and the whole session felt like months!  Time was elongated in a way i’ve actually never experienced before.  I don’t have any memory of anything right now that happened but all I can say is that I was held in womb space.  It feels like another layer of activation to my original creation blueprints.  Absolutely stunning energy!  Gentle and calm and so so loving.‘   – Samantha, UK
I would like to share that Ishvara has opened my heart space to what I truly need and deserve.  Gently but powerfully I have been working through some really ingrained issues and fears, and am now opening myself up to true love and healthy relationships.  Thank you so much, its on another level of deep soul healing and letting go.’ 
‘Ishvara energy healing is a gentle but powerful treatment aiding release whilst being held in a sense of deep comfort. During the session with Rhosalaria I experienced physical release within my gut and throat area, shifting negative energy that had become stuck in those areas. I felt safe and protected during the treatment, the energy absorbed in waves of warmth and colour whilst in a deep meditative state. Drifting in and out whilst the energy gently but effectively recalibrated and aligned my energy flow.After the treatment I felt lighter, more focused and calm. Days later I have more clarity and sense of purpose. Ishvara is a wonderful energy that holds you beautifully as you traverse the path to your highest purpose. I would highly recommend this treatment for those stuck in life, seeking a gentle push in the right direction to release and let go of all that no longer serves with a sense of love and connection’ – Tara, UK