Inner Soul Vision

Inner Soul Vision – an online 6 week journey into your Soul beginning on 30th October 2024.

In this 6 week online zoom workshop we will deep dive into the Soul and learning how to read the Soul for yourself thereby becoming more clear upon

  • your mission and purpose here

  • the ‘past lives’ that are still playing out in your life now

  • how to heal the narratives surrounding ‘past lives’ and ancestral timelines

  • find clarity on your way forwards

Holding an inner space for your own processes, this online workshop helps you see deeper into the subconscious/unconscious narratives playing out.  Through channel and dialogue with the Soul and the Akashic records you are able to see more clearly that which the soul is bringing to your attention now for healing.  Each week you will discover different ways to access the Soul’s messages and what it means for you individually and collectively.

The six weeks of sessions begin at 7pm each Wednesday.

  • Learn more about your own Soul’s reflection as we walk the Colour Pathways of Love.

  • Learn how to interpret the soul’s messages in channel

  • Learn what it means to give soul back to soul and feel the joy of soul integration

  • Learn how to access the Akasha and bring through what is needed to be known for yourself now.

  • Learn what the Soul is and the Multidimensional nature of the Soul.

  • Become the channel

  • Learn how our ‘past lives’ are affecting our lives now and how we may heal for a greater understanding of ourselves and who we are

  • Become more confident and clear on your pathway forwards

  • Receive downloadable pdf information for your reference

  • Full back up and support from myself

It is recommended that you do the exercises in between sessions and journal for yourself your reflections, insights and realisations.

This online course is a gift for you to yourself!

Rhosalaria has been channelling for many years and works as a Soul Medium in channel bringing forth the messages for the Soul in her beautiful Soul Readings.

Payment for the course is in full or part payment.  Pay via paypal or please ask for BACS details.

Please note that although the course is online, spaces are limited so that I can give you my full attention.  This course is focused upon your own unique Soul insights and your own healing.   This course is to help you develop your own confidence in channelling upon yourself and finding the deeper insights and tools to help you move forwards.  

‘Say not, I have found the path of the soul, Say rather, I have met the soul walking upon my path,’  – Khalil Gibran

Testimonial : 

Rhosalaria is the real deal – authentic and fully aligned to her truth. Recommended whole-heartedly with love and gratitude.’ – Gloria Rose
‘I can highly recommend this to anyone who is interested.  It was a lovely weekly session to be part of.’ – Kelly.



Please contact me here if you require more information.

To read more about Soul Readings take a look at the dedicated page here.


Payment Options