Absoulute Restoration

Absoulute Restoration

Energy Healing and Restorative Soul Healing

It may feel right now as though the world is in chaos and everything we once knew as ‘reality’ is slipping away fast and that the rug is being pulled out from under us.

This is the path of ascension that we have co-created.  Hard to believe that we would inflict such pain upon ourselves but it appears to be the means by which the Soul’s call is at last heard and the opportunity for the Divine essence of ourselves to be fully integrated.
Ascension is an Inside Job – we are all divine sovereign beings with the ability to heal and integrate our divine essence and soul blueprint. Now truly is the time for us to be at our best and take care of ourselves fully.
Your Soul has journeyed eons of time to be incarnate on the Earth now and to re-member who you are.  Each of us has a special and unique part to play in the unfolding co-creation of a new reality.
But how can we be our best when there’s so much grief and complexity in our lives?
The truth is there may not be one simple answer however we owe it to ourselves, our children and future generations to rise to the occasion and be the best we can be.
In being our best we ;-
  • act with consciousness and make the right choices for ourselves
  • take care of ourselves first
  • realise our beauty and our full potential
  • radiate love from our heart embodying the love we truly are
All that may seem impossible right now or even a little self-indulgent?  I’ve learned that the first principle of Soul work is
  • that we are never separate from Source
  • Source loves us unconditionally and that we must consider ourselves first. 

To be our best we need to work upon the conditionings of hueman self to this point and to identify the blocks and traumas that personally keep us held and locked into being in pain and feeling less than our best potential.  We need to do the inner work.

Whatever is keeping you free from being your true sovereign beautiful self – let it be released now.

I will help you work on replacing outworn beliefs, conditions, stresses, anxieties with self love, self appreciation and the ability to put yourself first.

We have all come here to fulfil the mission we came to do and to be.  Are you ready?

Through one to one sessions via zoom or phone and a specially selected program of Energy Healing Sessions and Soul Guidance from the Akasha I will work with you to help release and acknowledge the narrative and conditioned blueprint that does not serve.  Together, we shall weave a new reality that incorporates your beauty and potential so that you can shine and be your best and be there for the others that need you.
Deep restorative healing at a soul level is called for, and that is why I am here to help you.  

Here’s what’s on offer

Intensive – 4 weeks including

  • Four energy healing sessions of your choice – Pellowah, Ishvara Energy, Crystal Healing, Angelic Reiki Healing
  • 3 x 45 minute zoom or phone calls – sacred listening
  • one Soul Guidance Reading
  • 4 support texts/emails
  • All worth 450 GBP


Longer Term – 3 months including
  • six energy healing sessions of your choice – Pellowah, Ishvara Energy, Crystal healing, Angelic Reiki healing
  • 4 x 45 minute zoom or phone calls – sacred listening
  • Two Soul Guidance Readings
  • Weekly support texts/emails
  • All worth 600 GBP



  • Three Energy Healing Sessions of your choice – Pellowah, Ishvara Energy, Crystal Healing, Angelic Reiki Healing
  • One 45 minute Zoom session or call – sacred listening
  • One Soul Guidance Reading
  • Worth £290
I’m offering you a FREE 20 minute clarity call to see how I can help you – just fill in the Contact Form Here and we shall arrange a mutually convenient time to connect.

What are my qualifications for helping you?

I have spent over thirty years as a healer, teacher and complementary health practitioner.  I have also been through personal transformation as a Priestess of Avalon and Sister of Cerridwen.  Both are life changing and transformative processes.  We are here on Earth to learn, to heal, to integrate the divine aspect of our Being and although no one is ever perfect, I’ve worked through my fair share of troubles.  I am a qualified Soul Medium, Pellowah Teacher, Crystal Healer, Angelic Reiki Healer, Reflexologist, Aromatherapist, Lomi Lomi Massage Therapist and Colour Therapist.   I am also a Priestess Healer, Author and Teacher.  Over the last four years I channelled and brought through Ishvara Energy which assists us in our activations as we move through these ascension times.
Testimonials from others :
‘I am so grateful to my friend for having introduced me to you and somehow its just so lovely to know you are there holding a space for me in some way.’  – Lucy, USA
‘Thank you so much for your support, your spirituality and healing.  You are inspirational.’ – Tina, UK
 ‘It’s surreal how I’ve not met you before and only spoken over the phone, but I really do cherish and appreciate your advise and wisdom… So thank you for all of your help, I really appreciate it! ❤️🥰 – Fran, UK

Are you ready to feel more whole, grounded, clear on the pathway ahead and empowered within your sovereignty?  Contact me now.

Your Options

I promise to give you my best and together we’ll create a loving, positive reality.

with love, Rhosalaria