Why 2025 Will Be A Year of Endings

So we come to the last two days of 2024

In this post, I’ll be sharing a little of what we can expect energetically from 2025.

2025 is a 9 year.  Here follows a summary of the energies coming up and into our sphere of awareness for the following year ahead.  Traditionally in modern numerology we have come to understand that 9 is a number of endings, the completion of a cycle and also the place where great wisdom can be found and utilised to our best advantage.  2025 is all of this and more . . .

We are now moving through layers and layers of reality timelines that are slowly being harmonized into One Golden energy – this is the ascension process that some call the Golden Age.  It is important that we try to focus upon this golden energy for it is energy that will bring forth the increased completion of this Galactic cycle in 2025 ready for new beginnings in 2026 – so that this next year in its energy frequency has a two year window – endings/beginnings and in readiness we must remain focused, heart centred and in the feeling mode of We as opposed to I.

We are all transforming very rapidly.  The violet flame of transformation and the White Flame of ascension resides within each of us and all that no longer serves you must be transformed and let go for good.

In Soul, we carry the wounds of victimhood and perpetration.  It is important in this year ahead that each individual takes responsibility for their own part in these woundings.  Let the past Be, for if you hold on to it you shall lower your own vibrational frequency and will be free from harmonizing into the golden frequency.

Harmonisation appears as Source becomes recognised fully within each of us – ‘I am that, I am.’

This frequency of true Soul identity flows outwards as certain A.I frequencies are shut down and others rise.  This is a time to choose which way we go as a collective of humanity.  To go down the rabbit-hole of transhumanism or to hold sacred our humanity and merge into the energies of the human angel that we truly are.  There is a sorting out in effect of that which truly advances the true sovereignty of humanity as individuals and collective and that which seeks to destroy and distort.  This is a narrative that has gone on for eons, of course we have seen it perpetuated in many guises.  In 2025 the battle of dark and light becomes truly manifest towards the light and we shall see it clearly.  The lid is being lifted upon that which has been hidden and shocks will reverberate around the world.  More souls will awaken.  We are all complicit in the wounding that created such problems and blocks, hurt, disharmony and pain.

2025 is a time for facing all – which may not be pretty at times on personal collective levels.  But we are all One – and it is sovereignty within, owning our Truth, love and forgiveness overall that shall see us through.

Likening our Soul Journey in 2025 to a butterfly.  We have our wings now and we are struggling to emerge and break free from the chrysalis.  Remember who you are as part of the dream of Source Creation.  A beautiful being of Light with a part to play.  On a personal level each of us will arise through the mire/maya in some new way to shine.  The more we see the light, work daily on our light, the less difficult the process of breaking through will be.

A Soul mantra for this year and the New Age we are shifting into : We are One, We Are.

As we shift into higher frequencies, time, linear time as we know it will become ever more irrelevant and elusive as we enter into the quantum energies of unity consciousness.  This is happening now and in 12 months time it will be ever more a feature of our lives where ‘time’ seems shortened or lengthened within our perception.

Taking care of your body is very important.  Many will feel a need to completely review and change their diet and their daily care routines.  There is no one size fits all.  Listen to what your Soul needs, for the Soul is expressed through the Light of your body cells.  Also remembering that change is increasingly rapid – what you vow to begin in January may not be what is appropriate for you come December!  Be true to you – be flexible and flow with what is right for you.  It is the only way as the doors upon the old ways close for ever and the new slowly emerges through the mysts of our Soul’s Being into the world creating and co-creating the changes necessary for harmony.

If we take a look at 2025 from a Nine Ki Astrology perspective, which follows the Chinese New Year and begins on January 29th, we can see that this year follows the energies of the 2 which is the Mother Energy.  We can expect therefore that we may wish to hold on to and nurture that which we feel is ours.  As we let go of  that which no longer serves, we will hold a greater wisdom in our hearts which is perhaps the energy of the wise mother who loves and nurtures with wisdom.  Neither giving too much away but always being in the centred energy of kindness and wisdom.  The Mother energy is also Earth element resonating with the spleen and stomach and the sweetness of life.  Perhaps we can all take some time to digest and assimilate all that we are as Soul Beings and Anchor this energy into our hearts.  Sweetness, Joy and Compassion are key this year as we let go and transform deeply.  You will gain more reflection on the Nine Ki by seeing where your own year number falls in perspective to the Mother Energy in 2025.  If you would like a personal Nine Ki Astrology reading, please contact me.  

Channelled by Rhosalaria – November 2024

To receive a Personal Soul Reading for the Year ahead,  Click Here.   The special offer lasts until 19th January 2025.

We are now activating the keys and codes of Ascension energies.  This is the purpose of Ishvara Energy and the reason why it has come through at this time to help us.   For particularly around March 2025 there will be a huge shift towards activating the superhuman or angelic human.  Ishvara opens us ready to receive and connect deeply from within.  We also experience more of our Truth our own self worth, self love and self appreciation from a creative and compassionate heart centred perspective.   There are many new quantum healing energies coming through now and Pellowah Energy Healing Technique remains a guiding light to help us shift that which no longer serves and connecting us to our truth from within.